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Codes & Conventions

Genre Conventions

In order to make a short film in my chosen genre I need to know what type of things are typically involved, in both short films and feature films. I have decided to make a romance short film. With this our short film will have elements of comedy and tradegy in it.

Genre is much more these days that what was once the original block genre.

“Genres are flexible, subject to a constant process of change and adaptation…its boundaries can never be rigidly defines” - Richard Maltby


“Genres are instances of repetition and difference…mere repetition would not attract an audience” - Steve Neale


I agree with these quotes as any media product these days are more than just one genre, they have more to it than a general theme. There is also more to a genre than just the stereotypical ideas, however if every film included this it wouldn't be interesting. 

Genre is defined as being a style or category or art, music or literature.

The genre romance has the following codes and conventions:

*Cliche / stereotypes

*Pinky colour palette

*2 protagonists


*Female point of view

*Urban setting

*Happy ending

*Classic realistic narrative

*Foolish behaviour

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