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But Milk is Important

I watched this short film to see how an animation or stop motion film would work, to give me some ideas for when I create my short video. Watching this has also helped me to think about the codes and conventions and whether this film sticks to or breaks the general codes and conventions. 


One thing I did note about this film was the length (10 minutes). When I create my film it will be around 5 minutes.


I found however that I really enjoyed watching this film because it showed what it was like living with a serious illness and a fear, and how everyone has fears that we can't all see.

This film sticks to the following codes and conventions:

*Lack of dialogue

*A rupture that is then improved or resolved

*Focusing on 1 character

*Diegetic sound more prominent than music

*Limited number of locations

*Limited colour palete

*Instrumental music


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